
Remote Control Dodgem Cars

Dodgem cars are just everyone's favourite fair ground attraction. The thrill of the chase, tail gating and side swiping your friends and family…it's a fantastic adrenalin rush.

Well now you can have all the fun of dodgem car racing in your own home with these fun and fabulous Remote Control Dodgem Cars from Boysstuff.co.uk

This mini bumper car set is fully loaded with everything you need to test your best driving skills against your opponent. It comes with a playing arena so the dodgems can't escape, remote controls with horn and joystick to control the direction of the car which can move forward, reverse, left and right, a reset button and all the sound effects you would want from a game of dodgems!

The aim is to hit your opponent on the side sensor at which point the car will let out a “Ding – Ouch” noise. The first player to reach 25 hits wins and the winning dodgem will let out a diabolical laugh and the game is won!

Who's the dodgem champion in you house?

Set Includes:

·Playing Arena

·Two bumper cars and two remote controls

·Game can be played by up to four people (2 individual sets required for this) but each person must have a different coloured car. Sets come with either black and red or blue and green pairs of bumper cars.

·Requires 12 x AA batteries (3 x AA for each car and 3 x AA for each transmitter)

·To preserve battery life, always switch to the ‘OFF' position once you have finished playing.

Available in red/black and blue/green.


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