
One hand 360 controller
One Handed Xbox 360 Controller

There is nothing we can comment on this one. Is it a great mod or badly placed buttons will make your one hand stress more? You decide. Nonetheless, this one handed Xbox 360 controller has been modded by Benjamin Heckendorn and functions just like a normal 360 controller. The thumbstick is placed on the front with the XYBA buttons and the right analog placed at the back.

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Anonymous said...

i guess for a one handed person


Anonymous said...

actually custom made for an iraqi war veteran wounded in war

Anonymous said...

thats amazin idea, the major console makers shoud make alot for people without the use of their other hand

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, in some moments I can phrase that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
to the article there is even now a suspect as you did in the downgrade publication of this request tar ?
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Anonymous said...

Buying memory is such a chore... You have to Google prices, filter through which ones are legit, around a bunch of stores,compare prices, finally buy your memory, and then hope that the price doesn't fall in the next month or so.

I've been screwed over by some ridiculous price drops in the past... especially this one time when I bought a Micro SD card for my R4 gaming flash card at what I mistakenly assumed was a bargain price, only to later see that it had dropped $5 in a week's time.

(Submitted on S3 for R4i Nintendo DS.)